Commune of Pregny-Chambésy
(in collaboration with D. Démétriadès)
The school lies on grounds that prolong the Cité de Chambésy's public park. Its implementation opposite the communal theatre delimits the outdoor covered playground.
The shape of the volume and the choice of cladding confer a mineral aspect to the building.
The natural slope of the grounds is used to allow two independent entrances, one for the school where the covered playground is and the other on the lower floor, for the public library. Eight classrooms 10m by 10m make up the school, each has a cloakroom that expands from the corridor. All classrooms are interconnected to improve exchanges as required by the education system. An open gallery running over the classes enables complementary school activities. The terrace is used for botanical studies. A refectory and kitchen, gymnasiums and a public library complete the complex's facilities.
These two elements, gallery and terrace link all the spaces on the upper level. Large light tunnels provide natural lighting to the communal spaces.
A double flow ventilation system manages the heating and ventilation of the building, which guaranties the recovery of any loss of energy.
The bearing structure is in bare reinforced concrete. The peripheral thermal 12cm thick mineral wool insulation is ventilated and protected by the highly resistant Norwegian stone cladding Alta Quartzite. It has a texture rich in reflections that go from green to silvery-grey depending on the intensity, value and angle of the sun's rays. The roofing is in tin with mat pre-patinated titanium zinc.
All window and doorframes are constructed with recycled aluminium bearing thermal cuts coated with a micaceous iron oxide based anti corrosion treatment.